티스토리 뷰

Former German professional Cha shot to the name 'chabum' football in the Bundesliga (66) South Korea national football team coach receives German Cross of Merit from the Government. German Embassy is five days - announced that "President Frank Walter Steinmeier of the Federal Republic of Germany had to Cha former director awarded the Cross of Merit" and "honor for decades worked hard to merit-German relations." The production ahead of the Brazilian World Cup

Solo Cha receives Medal from the German government ... "Significant Medal" German Cross of Merit Cha "We have an excellent soccer DNA nation" Congratulations Coach Cha ~ !!! From Cha receives German Cross of Merit from the President Cha, Cha awarded the German Cross of Merit, receives Medal from the German government ... "Significant Medal" Cha Director, Grand Cross of Merit from the German government distinguished 'chabum "Cha, the German government cross of merit receive a hold line .gisa reporters Cha =

It will be announced later. Cha former director is the "unexpected news through the 'Football list. Hadeora more delighted at the German Embassy. It is grateful to receive the Medal significant, "said a comment. Cha / Photo = DB [Sports Today yijeongcheol News] The "chabum 'Cha former director who horyeong the Bundesliga takes a cross of Merit from the German government. German Embassy is

For the first time in Korean football players played in the Bundesliga, ah it became a legend in intra distracted Frankfurt and Bayer Leverkusen. Koo Ja-Cheol, Ji Dong-won, Park Joo-ho, Lee, Jae - Sung, South Korea baekseungho and many players can not even ignore the influence of former director Cha There could enter the German stage. Cha

That Germans and foreigners, and further social welfare in the areas of charity is awarded to those who built a special contribution to the Federal Republic of Germany. The only general Order of Merit of Germany, the Federal Republic of Germany is the highest award given to the people established a merit for the public good. There is no prize money in accordance with the decoration. Cha former director Medal Ceremony, including the date and place of the

# # The President of the Federal Republic of Germany takes the cross of Merit. US consulates in Germany four days, "Frank-Walter Steinmeier said the President of the Federal Republic of Germany is former director Cha awarded the Cross of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany. He said the former coach Cha means honoring worked hard to merit-German relations for decades. " Cha former director took the wrinkles of the 20th century German stage. From 1978 to 1989,

He was recognized for his contribution to the promotion of German friendship. Car former director side said, "Frank-Walter Steinmeier said the president German Car former director awarded the Federal Republic of Germany for the cross of Merit," said "no distinction between Germans and foreigners only on figures established an internationally unique achievements in various fields and he is known as Medal "awarded without

Germany's Federal Cross of Merit is Cha former director under the political, economic, social, Germans and foreigners with work in areas such as mental and further social welfare in the areas of charity to the people built a special contribution to the Federal Republic of Germany It is awarded. The only general Order of Merit of Germany, the Federal Republic of Germany is the highest award given to the people established a merit for the public good. There is no prize money in accordance with the decoration.

Honor, "he said. Cha former director took wrinkle the 20th century, the German stage as the first Korean soccer player from 1978 to 1989 played in the Bundesliga, ah became a legend in intra distracted Frankfurt and Bayer Leverkusen. Koo Ja-Cheol, Ji Dong-won , Park Joo-ho, Lee, Jae - Sung, South Korea baekseungho and many players can not even ignore the influence of former director Cha there could enter the German stage.

Germany's Federal Cross of Merit former directors receive is awarded to those who built a special contribution to the political, economic, social, and that this achievement Germans and foreigners in areas such as mental and further social welfare, charity Federal Republic of Germany in the areas of do. The only general Order of Merit of Germany, the Federal Republic of Germany is the highest award given to the people established a merit for the public good.
