티스토리 뷰

When unnatural seureounde once again captured the following from'd walk getting under Directive guys are situations impossible to do face the public and all situations are not real-time hack like my smartphone and I understand everything correctly up going out to open the front door, and police killer corruption You gonna have to arrest three people in Gangnam murderer police officer made under sanghwanggeuk

While waiting for my proof video jjikja there go straight away 23:40 If you are one protest in the current Gwanghwamun I turn precisely emergency going street corner in both directions exactly Gaza to drink tap water to drink in you are Gwanghwamun 145 cars per person protest throat dried up Gwanghwamun Turn on hazard lights and followed commie also illegal to mobilize the manpower to do this, tremendous atmosphere because the multiple murder with corruption cops They have powers commit murder is a criminal dosanim sell 106 East

Subway, fire, etc. FIG's all murder I've been receiving instruction that I aboard the Danggogae Station confirmed illegal shadowing Commies got off suddenly Sanggye Station subway for a while, to not starting and another commie the board the next train, and followed illegal and East apartments and bulam modern in another such killer corruption police receive instruction cats at dawn

Authorities give us the transportation, subways, fire department, local night guards, etc.'s all the control and command not only killers corruption police guys with making powers deny that at the time of Park Geun-hye get out of the president must be to the death of malicious debt culprit that must be eradicated astronomical pension corruption iron breadbasket East Welfare officials trying reform Let's avoid trying to reduce such opposition to the national taxpayers' money badly and heard at the time of collective jotbul President Park Geun-hye water flow pro killer

The learning trembling value in force was per liquidation thus wrong investing in bogus investors, which are Korea citizens who give great damage jueodo great loss gaeroe Asset Park Hyeon Joo was going to blackmail guaranteed astronomical fees tycoon many Korea people are scammers gaeroe assets general public hoax Get the regime no longer hitting the evil commie killers Moon Jae-government funds is no longer fooled by scam he did by learning to dwell once ran through fraud gaeroe asset Park Hyeon Joo

Police look once supposed to capture two people grandmother carrying an umbrella that laser Blood and propagation station at 106 East me coming along commie illegal shadowing laser shoots narcissism woman to monitor his grandmother came into the grandmother elevator lobby stories are being watched 24 hours followed came and is hiding behind his grandmother Unit 3 take the elevator ride to go along let's go up to the 20th floor of No. 4 elevator is caught illegally commie followed more than an hour in danggogae Station

Came towards me I want you to watch video shout the truth, holding pickets stood up on the US embassy page beds dosanim summer, hand in clothes not be all that laundry soap Lotte youngpeulraja Let it not laundry soap came out and purchase laundry soap from across Daiso illegal shadowing commie Contact Look again and killer cops supposed to capture two people, and that the laser propagation BS 106 East grandmother to me carrying an umbrella coming along commie illegal shadowing blood

When he reported to the presidential office Cheong Wa Dae documents are all documents that yiraeyo a chapter or two chapters. ....% EA% B3% 84% EC% 97% 84% EB% A0% B9 +% EC% B6% 94% EA% B0% 80% EB% AC% B8% EC% 84% 9C indeed ... DSC gone ... lost ... ... right .... .... ..... martial law documents ... Where ... ?? Can card limit for the card comes out a lot? No overdue credit rating is very high, cards and write performance is from 3 thousand to 50 million won a year, Lotte MVG -> VIP each year aebinyuel

The ㄹㅆ skt well sseudaga report on Netflix in connection with the U + iptv family for over five years and went to U +. Minor company called ... feedback on customer claims are best thought faster ... Why deogunyo know whether minors. 1. Change iptv broadcasting plan is the Internet. mobile. Not all. But you can only call. But the phone connection anneyo too easy on weekdays. Once the phone hung still waiting 5-10 minutes ... it only at the end of five times.

Armoury II S / W was. What obscure OS, Windows 7 showed a significantly unstable state. If you want to apply the settings Music from the LED while the noise is heard S / W will be forced to shut down. So after being forced shutdown no longer can set the LED in the S / W
