티스토리 뷰

Translated by exceeding each country devotion to shit, capturing floating left middle namhyeom vs yeohyeom not fall yakbal Sunday morning or night or stroke while secretly throwing kkap like a seasoned ㅎㄷㄷ: Base Overseas day bechung, International Freedom hangukdang, International Center for Free Enterprise (ㅇㅅㅇ the square geurideon where ㄷㄷ) such organizations belong to human-made items among 'man vs woman relevant part "only fits-edit it came throwing bikttong to buntang material interest that day well eaten - chunggi brandishing charge: mostly no posts everywhere beoseonbal a multi-Nick 2-3 comments chunggi brandishing charge within one minute,

Find that content can make the subscribers, that is, money naetneunde made so very clever (the expression that wit which one recognizes that there is a debatable one, just move on) a lot of people here are 'disgusted critics - mocking " do. It begins to appear yutyu willow slatted to 4. Since many people euk tube 'anti-feminist'. As an example of the daily inde Lena, including the Americas, they constantly produces daily content to criticize, ridicule and loathing feminists out to fight them out with the support from people opposed to feminism increase subscriber revenue. 5. In the midst of feminists in fact, YouTube - to give up the fight and Willow 'anti-feminist' and other yutyu

DC, not to mention, pemko also granted to the board to hear the sound ilbe two great, even the most anti-Liberal tendencies are strong in Luri Web soundly rejected feminist way. And for doing Tae Kyung cases where hanyago to support what and Tae Kyung, Lee swings chicken bullet rating for at least Carnaby events in Luri web considered the antipodes of the DC ilbe is clear. And iljieonjeong Taekyung the Bad,

Republic of Korea par. Par. US. ? !! = Wave waves Future Strategy Department (chapter boss ~) articles: May 2018 nuiwoo - Class 1) Breaking News Tweet ~ (dew91 Posts Note) As organizations continue to take upon them to greet loyal and true to the era of customer loyalty. - You charging Castle. Receive. Group. Who was born to be loyal Day ~~ ~~ ~ ♪ Everyday loyal launch - we 24x7 loyal Gazprom Oh, good day send seyeo == ~ (4.7 Saturday Urgent Update!) Sangkomhan weekend from Saturday morning before the election starts in earnest Preview of the season campaigns> === new1. Lt. finally started concept

Out continues remind goksori 'Man vs Woman' enclosures attached jpg, txt regular intervals to throw then, while papering until "it was born as a man 's sin' extreme reaction that the hit De Rage quickly the other agents are re-writing / # comments Moon Jae government, Democratic party women parliamentarians # # liberal media (a) target in seven colors, while increase the intensity until just before June elections imprinted on the brain

To take over the abandoned chatting attending class) Comments pores atmosphere. "ㅁㄱ and feminists will do what?" Ve others interested in clinging to any article that people doing out Wondering said always to ask again asking Tea'll live not without ㅁㄱ everything bindings ㅎㄷㄷ and feminist college ㅎㄷㄷ "page zero mechanism / Fe 0 Nazis is psychotic." - I did not ask Increase I Sikkim intense brainwashing claimed repeatedly shouting like 'heaven ㅇㅇ distrust hell' "here / there is also ㅁㄱ

Start a campaign season full preview> === new1. I finally started Lt. concept disappointed bots mischief items (4.20 Gyeonggi Governor candidates determined through June election day.) Name: Multi-Nick commented agents (belonging to the future aggro strategies lab 'with the Big Brother against gongjakgeum) Role: disappointment, while supporters Costume and + to worry mischief democratic, liberal, pretending to frame weaving pattern features ■: 1) Moon Jae-government / party supporters while critically cosplay 'indeyo disappointed because ... 000', '000 because

none. After talking to expose the police, prosecutors, crime movies, corruption and irregularities of the Korea Society of gangsters emerged as the main character was created as a trend. And both are placed under the influence of movies ._ reporter Lee, Ju - Hyun Kim Il-ran ninth director, Yu hongji / 2012, no matter how long time the flows handeul a straight take Yongsan Could the disaster scene scenes inserted. Water cannons toward the midwinter squatters. Burning tower. This call that person. Unfold riot police operations. January 20, 2009 Yongsan

Gallardo hit the psychological warfare techniques using a variety of items namhyeom yeohyeom can even yieoohgo the heart of the single-minded loyalty. Pledge: 1) for the takeover succession of Samsung's dedication to free the populace ssamjitdon pension! (Loyalty ...) link 1) Pledge 2) free dedication to the National Intelligence for the future strategy of the Samsung! (Loyal ~) = Samsung jangchunggi future strategy implementation (CEO) yiheonsu = NIS NIS Planning Coordination within silse 1st ㅎㄷㄷ (JTBC exclusive news) (gijosil chapters take on the NIS of personnel and budget

4 years working should) link 1) accuse news (articles) for the "last bastion of democracy is the power of waking civic organization" ------ Now let us keulriang you are also loyal personnel batdeup until the next election! Now that bright in the center of the united Democratic Let's Hold the enemy pyewang J (Jukpyewang) '!! Democratic Ah progressive community 24/7 systematically alienate, divide stroke Sabotage catch flagship enemy pyewang J 'is the main culprit of the Community nongdan that Gazprom ~~! [MBC straight - 19.9 / 30 - 66 times. Samsung
